
We must brand,package & market ourselves so that we are desirable

Brand identity
A fundamental mistake people often make when talking about branding is confusing the brand identity with the brand. What's the difference? In a nut shell, the brand is intangible, has a more visceral appeal, and targets our emotions. The brand is who you are and what you stand for, remember. A brand is a promise, that is perhaps the clearest definition of brand. But a promise is not something you can touch or see really is it? Brand identity is that external part of the brand that we can see, touch, hear, smell, etc. Examples of items that make up one's brand identity portfolio are business cards, the website, your slide presentations, brochures, TV commercials, print advertising, your store interior design, and of course, your logo. A brand is not a logo, but a brand's logo may indeed be the single most important identifying marker there is. A logo is the brand's mark of distinction which distinguishes them and identifies them instantly.


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